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SAP GUI Recipe for Microsoft App-V 5.0

~ Sebastian Gernert | Escalation Engineer

GearsHi everyone, my name is Sebastian and I’m an Escalation Engineer in Germany for Microsoft Application Virtualization (App-V). For a while now, one of my responsibilities has been to liaise with SAP so that APP-V 5.0 is a supported platform when virtualizing the SAP GUI, and now SAP has released an update in SAP Note 66971 so that SAP GUI 7.30 PL10 and SAP GUI 7.40 PL1 are supported on APP-V 5.0 SP2 HF4 and higher.

Many thanks to all of my colleagues from SAP who take the time to validate these packages.

With the release of this update, I have taken the opportunity to write a small recipe describing how I build such packages. The recipe can be found here but keep in mind that it is a living doc so if we encounter issues or limitations we will note those here as well.

The recipe is based on App-V 5.0 SP2 HF4 (so yes we create a PVAD) in a later revision of the document I will address that. Even though I am German I wrote the recipe in English for a broader audience.

Thank you and I hope you enjoy it!

Sebastian Gernert | Escalation Engineer | Microsoft GBS Management and Security Division

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