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Virtual Earth, An Evangelist's Blog

Make it happen.

IS Consulting Releases MapDotNet UX Beta

IS Consulting just released the Beta of their MapDotNet UX product and the folks in the GIS world...

Author: Chris Pendleton Date: 09/10/2008

Philadelphia Open Studio Tours

If you're an art lover, a technology junkie, Virtual Earth fan and you'll be in Philly this October...

Author: Chris Pendleton Date: 09/09/2008

Measuring Households Affected By Flooding Rivers

Water, water everywhere nor any drop to drink - Rime of the Ancient Mariner, by Samuel Taylor...

Author: Chris Pendleton Date: 09/09/2008

Virtual Earth Presence at Shop.org Retail Conference

Microsoft will have a booth at the National Retail Federation's Shop.org Annual Summit at the...

Author: Chris Pendleton Date: 09/08/2008


Nordstrom just rolled out their new retail store locator using Microsoft Virtual Earth. You can...

Author: Chris Pendleton Date: 09/07/2008

First 11 Chapters of "Precious Cargo" Featuring Virtual Earth

This may seem kind of random, but Vanguard Press (the publishers of Clyde Ford's new novel Precious...

Author: Chris Pendleton Date: 09/07/2008

Virtual Earth 6.0 Auto-Upgrade Date Now Locked - September 10, 2008

Per my previous posts on the topic of the Virtual Earth auto-grade from v 6.0 to 6.1 and the...

Author: Chris Pendleton Date: 09/05/2008

Studying Climate Change in Alaska

The Microsoft Environment Team published a case study called "Studying Climate Change With a...

Author: Chris Pendleton Date: 09/04/2008

Hurricane Gustav Coverage with Virtual Earth

I found a couple good sites using Virtual Earth to visualize information about Hurricane Gustav (in...

Author: Chris Pendleton Date: 09/02/2008

Texas Natural Resources Information System Launches Emergency Resource Site

TNRIS just launched their new Emergency Resources web site just in time for Gustav to touchdown over...

Author: Chris Pendleton Date: 08/29/2008

Live Search Maps Goes Live in Taiwan

Live Search Maps Taiwan just made it's debut (as Live Pages). This service is a joint effort between...

Author: Chris Pendleton Date: 08/29/2008

New GPS Provider for MapPoint 2009

For those of you looking to continue using the Pharos GPS puck(s) that shipped with S&T the last...

Author: Chris Pendleton Date: 08/29/2008

Internet Explorer 8 Beta 2 Includes Virtual Earth

Yesterday we (Microsoft) launched the second beta for Internet Explorer - you can download the new...

Author: Chris Pendleton Date: 08/28/2008

Virtual Earth 6.0 Auto-Upgrade Postponed

Winner, winner, chicken dinner.... Dear Virtual Earth Customer, As has been communicated...

Author: Chris Pendleton Date: 08/28/2008

Virtual Earth Applications on Facebook

I just joined Facebook. This is after a long, nightmarish experience of "friends" on...

Author: Chris Pendleton Date: 08/26/2008

I Want My MapPoint Icons Back!

Yeah, in MapPoint 2009 (and Streets & Trips 2009) we took out many of the colorful little...

Author: Chris Pendleton Date: 08/26/2008

Purchase Standalone Microsoft Virtual Earth Photography

If you've ever had the need to acquire Virtual Earth aerial photography for uses outside of the...

Author: Chris Pendleton Date: 08/25/2008

Streets & Trips 2009 Free Trial Download Now Available

I missed this when I posted that the MapPoint 2009 trial version is now available for free download....

Author: Chris Pendleton Date: 08/25/2008

MapPoint 2009 Trial Now Available for Free Download

If you're excited about the release of MapPoint 2009 today should be a bit more exciting for you...

Author: Chris Pendleton Date: 08/23/2008

SK8R Nation on Push

Canadian web site, Push, just rolled out their Virtual Earth integration to help skaters and...

Author: Chris Pendleton Date: 08/22/2008

Photosynth Released - Now, Let's Mash it with Virtual Earth

Feel free to bypass my blog and download Photosynther now. Photosynther is the client software to...

Author: Chris Pendleton Date: 08/21/2008

(Silverlight + Virtual Earth) * (Traffic + Weather) = Traffic Eye

A little linear algebra for you Canadians, eh? No less than 24 hours after I post "A Few...

Author: Chris Pendleton Date: 08/19/2008

48 States in an '84 Scirocco

You think you're a power user? Check out Tim McConnell's blog TimboTrip.com where he tells the story...

Author: Chris Pendleton Date: 08/19/2008


Sealy just went live with their new distributor locator leveraging Microsoft Virtual Earth. Your...

Author: Chris Pendleton Date: 08/19/2008

A Few Virtual Earth / Silverlight Demo Applications

A few months back I posted about Lots of Virtual Earth and Silverlight Development Outside of...

Author: Chris Pendleton Date: 08/19/2008

Precious Cargo, by Clyde Ford

Ok, here's a new one. Clyde Ford is promoting his new novel, Precious Cargo by using Microsoft...

Author: Chris Pendleton Date: 08/17/2008

Virtual Earth U.K. Partner Event

For those of you in the states who went to the Microsoft MIX show this year, you got a first hand...

Author: Chris Pendleton Date: 08/15/2008

Advertising Opportunities on Live Search Maps

If you've ever been on Live Search Maps, there's a good chance you've seen some of the...

Author: Chris Pendleton Date: 08/13/2008

Finding Autos with EBay and Microsoft Virtual Earth

I've been in the market for a motorcycle for the last year and have struggled to come to terms with...

Author: Chris Pendleton Date: 08/12/2008

Virtual Earth-based Loss Estimation Tool

Earthquake damage assessment just got a little easier. In the spirit of the close of the ESRI User...

Author: Chris Pendleton Date: 08/11/2008


MetroPCS has just gone live with their new store locator featuring Microsoft Virtual Earth. Your...

Author: Chris Pendleton Date: 08/10/2008

The Significance of trueSpace 7.6 and 700,000 Polygons

This needs little explanation, but I wanted to share this with the Virtual Earth crowd to show the...

Author: Chris Pendleton Date: 08/09/2008

Streets and Trips Training for Sales Professionals

The true sign of a road warrior is one who knows and uses Microsoft Streets and Trips. S&T has...

Author: Chris Pendleton Date: 08/09/2008


TeamZoneSports has just gone live with Microsoft Virtual Earth integrated into their community web...

Author: Chris Pendleton Date: 08/02/2008


Petco has moved their store locator to Microsoft Virtual Earth. Petco has over 850 stores in the...

Author: Chris Pendleton Date: 08/01/2008

Microsoft Virtual Earth Deprecation Reminder

Just another friendly reminder that we're going to deprecate a couple older version of Virtual Earth...

Author: Chris Pendleton Date: 07/30/2008

ESRI ArcGIS 9.3 Desktop Now Features Microsoft Virtual Earth

Today, we're announcing a closer and much deeper relationship with ESRI by integrating Virtual Earth...

Author: Chris Pendleton Date: 07/29/2008

Overcoming Pushpin Limitations in MapPoint 2009

For as long as I've worked at Microsoft I've seen this issue with a 10,000 pushpin limit in MapPoint...

Author: Chris Pendleton Date: 07/28/2008

Announcing the Microsoft Virtual Earth ASP .Net Server Control

Don't like JavaScript? You want your managed code with the new wave of AJAX maps? Well, the long...

Author: Chris Pendleton Date: 07/28/2008

ESRI International User Conference 2008

Awwwwe yeah, I'm coming home San Diego! I love a free trip home. Microsoft Virtual Earth will have a...

Author: Chris Pendleton Date: 07/26/2008

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