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Humanitarian Information Centre for Myanmar

In the wake of devastation in Myanmar, the HIC for Myanmar has partnered with IDV Solutions to create The Humanitarian Information Centre for Myanmar's Map Center. The map-based, dashboard application is simplistically powerful allowing users to very easily plot data feeds, vector information and overlay raster maps atop Virtual Earth maps. Simply checking boxes on the right allows you to view pertinent information literally with a click.



imageThe site has some extremely useful data assets for displaying on the map. Check one of the "Disaster Information" checkboxes such as "Cyclones" to view cyclones passing through in real time. Or, Alerts, Aid Shipments and Logistic Hubs. Under the "Weather Conditions" section you can view the Weather Forecast, Current Weather and Recent Lightning Strikes. Healthcare facilities are segmented as advanced, intermediate and basic hospitals and listed under "Healthcare." Or, you can just check on Myanmar Information to view information about Myanmar.

For any given asset, you can click on the asset on the map and additional details can be provided in the "Details" tab just to the right of the Map Layers tab.

In addition to the information provided, you can load additional GeoRSS, WMS and KML files into the system to cross reference data between what the HIC has and what your data represents.

The HIC Map Center Interactive Map also provides capabilities for overlaying raster maps for additional visualization. You can overlay the map all kinds of information such as Nasa's Terra Satellite imagery to Weather Central's current surface temperature. The map below is the Weather Central 24-Hour rainfall accumulation forecast.


The functionality on the site is awesome and was built using IDV Solution's Visual Fusion Server which is the toolbox for creating some amazing business applications for some of our premier customers. If you need robust functionality and the ability to overlay tons of data, their product is definitely worth taking a closer look at.



  • Anonymous
    September 29, 2008
    Tracking weather information is very much needed for the areas which are affected severely by natural disaster. We appreciate HIC for Myanmar's service towards noble cause. <a href="http://www.TrivaniTeam.com">TrivaniTeam - trivani, Purpose Marketing, humanitarian, aid, MLM, residual, income</a>

  • Anonymous
    September 29, 2008
    Tracking weather information is very much needed for the areas which are affected severely by natural disaster. We appreciate HIC for Myanmar's service towards noble cause. http://www.TrivaniTeam.com