Biztalk Services
Dennis announces the CTP of the Biztalk Services, one of the webbyest CTP we have: those are actually services, the only thing you need (if you want a quick start) is the SDK.
There is much to be said about this new release, and I hope I'll be able to play with it soon (dear Editor, don't worry: I know I have to send the next chapter first :-)). However, I think that the most exciting news is in the following Dennis words:
"your service opens at a URI on the machines. Then a client connects to that URI and can start sending messages. We don’t want to be in the way of your app, so our relay will immediately try to establish a direct connection between clients"
See? True P2P! What are you doing still reading this post, aren't you toying with it yet? :-)
BTW, take a close look to the Identity Selector in the screenshot in Dennis' post: I'm sure that the loyal readers of this blog will recognize some of the cards (thanks James for pointing this out!)
April 25, 2007
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April 25, 2007
This just in.... Microsoft has just released a Community Technology Preview (CTP) of BizTalk ServicesAnonymous
April 29, 2007
Actuellement l'ESB ( Enterprise Service Bus ) permet aux entreprises de reposer sur des principes d'architectureAnonymous
January 26, 2008
www http website http wwwAnonymous
January 26, 2008
site http home domain siteAnonymous
March 27, 2008
Almost one year ago I briefly mentioned the Biztalk Service SDK, here and here . A new version has recently