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Visual Studio Code - NEW FEATURE: VS Code Supports Extensions!

This feature was added in November in Visual Studio Code v0.10.1.

With this release, we mark our official Beta milestone and the big news is that VS Code now supports extensions (plug-ins) and is open source!

VS Code Supports Extensions!

VS Code has great features out of the box but now you and the community can extend VS Code to add new features and languages.


Find and install cool extensions by searching VS Code's public extension gallery.  There you'll find new themes, snippets, languages and tools.

extension language

VS Code has two new Extensions commands (F1 then 'ext inst') to let you find and install new extensions and manage (update, uninstall) your currently installed extensions.

extension commands

The VS Code also has a Marketplace where you can browse and learn more about extensions.

Extensibility SDK

If you don't find an existing extension that meets your development needs, you can create your own.  We've added extensive documentation on how to extend VS Code and a full extensibility API reference.  In addition, we provide the tools to you need to create and publish extensions.

If you'd like to dive right in, you can start with our "Hello World" walkthrough where you'll have a VS Code extension up and running in a matter of minutes.

Yo Code Extension Scaffolding

We've updated the yo code generator to create a basic extension project (TypeScript or JavaScript) which has all the metadata and source files necessary for a working extension.

yo code

Extension Publishing

The vsce publishing tool lets you easily package and publish your extension.  You can share your extension with colleagues by distributing a VS Code extension package or publish your extension for the community on the public gallery.

Extension samples

If you'd rather start your extension by modifying a working example, you can find extension samples as well as the source code for many extensions on GitHub (Go Language Support).


Check out all the new features and update to VSC v0.10.1:



Have a great day!

   - Ninja Ed
