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Introducing the Windows Azure Learning Path

imageStarting today, we're pleased to announce the new Windows Azure Learning Path at https://aka.ms/AzureLearningPath, which will get you up and developing  cloud apps in no time flat.

Organized by levels, and featuring the teachings of some of the leading cloud evangelists, you'll get clear guidance on every step of your journey, from getting the tools and the basics, to cloud rock star, bursting to scale, and poised for world domination.

Start with level 100 courses, which will take you from installation of the tools through hosting a basic web site on Azure.  Once you're comfortable with that, move on to the 200, 300 and 400 level courses, which will take you further on your journey, introducing concepts like table, blob and queue storage, SQL Server in the cloud, security, caching and more.

So come on over, and get ready for your freshman courses in Azure

To get started, you'll want to get access to your free Azure resources. If you’re an MSDN subscriber, you already get free cloud computing resources every month. You just need to activate your Azure benefits. If not, activate a free trial now and give it a spin!