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UK Imagine Cup Email Reminder to student competitors

Thanks for signing up to the Imagine Cup Software Design Challenge (SDC) - here is some important information you should be aware of & action as soon as possible. If you have any questions then please email uksdc06@microsoft.com Wishing you the very best of luck in the competition!


1st March 2006 - this is your Round One Submission Deadline.   Please ensure that you complete the required document and have emailed this to uksdc06@microsoft.cpom no later than 23:59 on Wednesday 1st March.


The Round One Submission document is your opportunity to define and talk about your entry from problem definition, proposed solution, architecture & design and application code sample. This information will be used to determine the top 10 finalists for the UK final - so do the "hard sell" to show the judges why your team and idea deserve to get through to the final 10. The document you need to complete can be found here and further information on Getting Started can be found here


Concerned on the amount of work required to enter the SDC? Then take a look at our team blog (Mint Source) where there is a sample entry which demonstrates the absolute minimum amount required to enter the competition this year. Ok, so its not award winning, but with some focused effort and clever thinking it shows how easily you can demonstrate your entry to the judges. 


And finally..... don’t forget to enable your team to submit your entry you must register ALL your team members individuallyhere. That means you will also be helping your university to win some great prizes in our University Incentive Scheme around the Imagine Cup - see more details on what it’s about for you and your university.(they must sign up to be in the running!)


Good Luck!

The UK Academic Team

All hyperlinks noted above are listed here:

Round One Submission document: https://download.microsoft.com/documents/UK/academia/imaginecup/Imagine_Cup_2006_-_Round_One_UK_SDC_Submission.doc

Getting Started Information: https://www.microsoft.com/uk/academia/imaginecup/2006/sdc.mspx#started

UK Academia Team Blog: https://blogs.msdn.com/ukstudentzine/

SDC Sample Entry blog: https://blogs.msdn.com/ukstudentzine/archive/2006/01/26/517825.aspx

Imagine Cup Registration link: https://thespoke.net/icreg/createicuser.aspx?categ=6

University Scheme information for students: https://www.microsoft.com/uk/academia/imaginecup/2006/default.mspx#win

University Scheme information for faculty: https://www.microsoft.com/uk/academia/incentive/default.mspx


  • Anonymous
    February 26, 2006

    Only 9 days to go to the Round One deadline!
     If you have already completed & submitted your...