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Upcoming licensing training at Microsoft offices in Reading and London

For those Small Business Specialists located in the South East, there are some licensing courses coming up which might be of interest. Don’t forget that you will need to use your Live ID details to sign into the PLC.

Licensing Cool’s is series of training events to help you attain the Microsoft Licensing Sales Specialist Lite accreditation. The cost is £25 per delegate and these full-day courses are scheduled to take place at either our offices in Thames Valley Park or London in September, October and November. To register and/or find out more, here are the links:

Licensing's Cool - MLSS Lite and Level 200 Volume Licensing to Small and Medium Businesses





Licensing's Cool -Level 200 Volume Licensing to Small and Medium Businesses



Licensing's Cool



There’s also a licensing MCP workshop coming up at Microsoft offices in Thames Valley Park on Sept 24.

Here’s the link to register:

Licensing MCP Workshop 70-671 - Small Organisations




There will be more licensing classroom-based training available nationwide and when those dates are secured, we will share.