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SBSC Partners Promoted to 800,000 Small Business Contacts!

Thought you may be interested to hear about a direct email that Microsoft sent out to 800,000 small business customers today. In it Microsoft addressed "How to adapt and succeed in the downturn..." and clearly called out SBSC partners as the partner of choice to assist small business customers and highlighted the SBSC blue logo too...

"If you've found some of the topics in this guide interesting, why not discuss them with your local Small Business Specialist partner? As their name suggests, these partners specialise in small business IT, so you can be sure they’ll provide you with up-to-date and relevant advice."

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The SBSC links take customers through to the "What is a Small Business Specialist" customer facing web page on the Small Business Centre website. Here partners can understand the true value of using the skills and expertise of an SBSC partner as well as search for an SBSC partner using the Microsoft Solution Finder partner search tool.

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The decision to prominently call out SBSC partners was taken as the content suited a strong reason to call out SBSC as a way to get more out of your technology. Within the next few weeks we should be able to assess the customer response rates to this email.
