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Keeping it all together with Windows Mobile – Another SBSC partner is an “Ask the Expert”


We thought you might be interested to see where another one of our SBSC partners has acted as an “Ask the Expert” on our Small Business Centre Customer facing website. What’s more, this article was also linked to in the Small Business Customer newsletter which reaches a substantial number of small business customers. Whilst promoting himself, Paul Dadge of PC Paramedics.it has also helped promote the SBSC partner channel – especially visible where he concludes:

“If you have any further questions, I recommend you contact your local Microsoft Small Business Specialist who will be able to advise you further. –Paul”

Here’s a clipping from the article:

Keeping it all together with Windows Mobile

Paul DadgePaul Dadge, Senior Consultant, PC Paramedics.it

Microsoft Small Business Specialist
Paul Dadge is a Senior Consultant with PC Paramedics.it, a Microsoft Small Business Specialist based in Cannock, South Staffordshire. He has been working with small business customers for 15 years, helping them to ‘go mobile’ and enabling the employees to access company resources remotely.

Question: The current downturn means my colleagues and I are spending a lot more time out on the road chasing business, so we need to pick up messages and keep track of our diaries on the move. Is there a way we can synchronise email, calendar appointments and Outlook contacts between our PCs and mobile phones? - Richard, Brighton

Answer: Hi Richard. You’re absolutely right - staying competitive these days means you really have to be mobile, which in itself can presents challenges – not least staying in touch while you're out and about. That’s never more true than for smaller companies where it’s a case of “all hands on deck”.

The words ‘email’ and ‘mobile phone’ often conjure up the BlackBerry – which is fine if all you need is to send and receive email and texts. But for a small business like yours, there are more cost-effective solutions to help you perform as efficiently away from the office as in it….”

Click here to read more: Keeping it all together with Windows Mobile - Microsoft Small Business Centre

Many thanks to Paul for his input.

If you want to be an “Ask the Expert”, email sbscuk@microsoft.com for more information.