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How and where to download Microsoft Windows Small Business Server 2011 as a Microsoft partner

As republished from Eric Ligman’s original which can be found here:


  1. When will Windows Small Business Server 2011 bits be on the Microsoft partner digital distribution portal for Microsoft partners to download it?
  2. How/where do Microsoft partners get the bits for Windows Small Business Server 2011 before then?

Question #1: When will Windows Small Business Server 2011 bits be on the Microsoft partner digital distribution site for Microsoft partners to download it?

Answer: We are working to resolve the current situation as soon as possible, and will make the download and keys available on the digital distribution site as soon as we can. We expect the Windows SBS 2011 software and keys to be available on the Microsoft partner digital distribution site during the second quarter of calendar year 2011 (if not before). In the interim, please use one of the defined options below to obtain access to Windows SBS 2011 for your internal use license entitlement. For updates, please start to check the Microsoft partner digital distribution portal after mid-March.

Question #2: How/where do Microsoft partners get the bits for Windows Small Business Server 2011 before it is available on the Microsoft partner digital distribution portal?

Answer #2: Below I will provide the answers, depending on if you are a Microsoft partner with a gold competency or silver competency, Action Pack Solution Provider subscription, or Action Pack Development and Design subscription.

If you are a Microsoft partner with a gold competency or silver competency:

  • You should download the Windows Small Business Server 2011 bits from the TechNet or MSDN site that you receive access to as a benefit of your Microsoft Partner Network Membership.
  • Please note: product keys distributed through the MSDN and TechNet are single activation keys. As a Microsoft partner, you can obtain your Multiple Activation Key (MAK) product key from the Microsoft partner digital distribution portal as soon as available (See Question #1 above). Partners may use any combination of methods and keys acquired through Microsoft programs to activate machines as long as the systems are properly licensed and appropriate use rights are applied. Software use right is not enforced by which product key is used for a specific license entitlement.

If you are a Microsoft partner with an Action Pack Solution Provider subscription:

  • You should download the Windows Small Business Server 2011 bits from the TechNet site that you receive access to as a benefit of your Microsoft Action Pack Solution Provider subscription.
  • Please note: product keys distributed through the TechNet are single activation keys. As a Microsoft partner, you can obtain your Multiple Activation Key (MAK) product key from the Microsoft partner digital distribution portal as soon as available (See Question #1 above). Partners may use any combination of methods and keys acquired through Microsoft programs to activate machines as long as the systems are properly licensed and appropriate use rights are applied. Software use right is not enforced by which product key is used for a specific license entitlement.

If you are a Microsoft partner with an Action Pack Development and Design subscription:

  • You should download the Windows Small Business Server 2011 bits from the Microsoft TechNet Evaluation Center site.
  • This is a 30 day evaluation copy and no product key is required.
  • Although the evaluation period is 30 days, it can be rearmed twice, meaning you can actually use it for up to a 90 day time period before requiring your MAK key.
  • As a Microsoft partner, you can obtain your Multiple Activation Key (MAK) product key from the Microsoft partner digital distribution portal as soon as available (See Question #1 above) and convert your trial into a full production copy.”