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Are you prepared for the SBS 2008 Configuration exam 70-653?

Are you prepared for the SBS 2008 Configuration exam 70-653? If you haven’t already taken it and you are looking for study guidance then join your peers in the first of a series of Microsoft Live Meetings where SBS MVP Andy Trish will be giving an overview of the features you’ll need to learn and guidance on exam taking for those that haven’t yet experienced Microsoft testing before.

The live meetings will be intensive so be prepared to answer questions thrown at you and you’ll be given homework to prepare for the next one with the intention of all candidates being able to complete the live meetings and take their exams prior to the end of June.  The cost of attendance is free however if you don’t have a voucher the exam cost will need to be funded by yourself... but as Andy says, this is a great investment you are making in your future both for you and your customers.

Exam 70-653 will be one of a choice of exams required to be SBSC in the upcoming changes Microsoft are making in the Partner Community so get out your notepads and join in. The first event is Thursday 28th of May at 3:30pm and is due to last 1.5 hours

The registration link is https://www.livemeeting.com/lrs/0000000379_116/Registration.aspx?pageName=9jp66cq70v4t53q2
