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See Government Data Brought to Life at Civil Service Live

Are you coming to Civil Service Live (CSL) this year? We’re really looking forward to being there alongside some Government departments and SME partners – and here are a few snippets to entice you along! Registration is free for civil servants (obviously!) and the wider public sector, and here is the registration link.

This year’s theme is ‘Be Exceptional’ with the intent of cross-government collaboration, sharing ideas, and developing skills and capabilities to inspire your work, whatever your role.

To fit that theme, we wanted to share our ideas about how you could take Government data and familiar technology – to provide real insight.

Our Hub at CSL – developed in conjunction with Esri – will feature real examples from Defra, the Office of National Statistics, Public Health England and Transport for London. Using Esri’s location intelligence software underpinned by Microsoft technology, we will show how to bring data to life, enable better collaboration and decision making at every level, and maximise the value from technologies already familiar to government.

Or, you may be interested in seeing the latest cool Windows 8 devices, including Surface, and Cloud services on G-Cloud - we will be showing these as well. And other SME partners will join us: Content and Code with collaboration and portal solutions through Office 365 and SharePoint and Steljies showing their collaboration solutions with Lync.

We hope to see you there! We’ll be blogging more about what we’ll be doing at the Show with these and other Government departments, so don’t forget to check back here on add our blog's RSS feed to your reader.

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You can also find great government IT solutions, case studies and other news on our website: www.microsoft.com/uk/government