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Energized! - A blog from our Worldwide team...

Here's a great blog from our colleague Laura Ipsen (Corporate Vice President, Worldwide Public Sector) that we thought we'd share with you, enjoy!...

As we transform into a devices and services company and look to the year ahead leading the Worldwide Public Sector business, I am energized by our opportunity to have a Real Impact on the most critical issues for our customers across government, health, public safety, national security and education. Leaders in these organisations are challenged with the need to do “more with less” and also “new with less,” as they work to connect with citizens in new ways; respond to crises more quickly; improve the scale of health services; and create new digital learning opportunities and much more. Now, more than ever, is the right time to ignite the future in public sector! 

Governments are looking to technology and the power of innovation to help them overcome their challenges. For example, the Jinshan District in China is in the process of digitizing over 2 million public health records. Not only will this effort help them manage their costs, it will also allow them to trend this valuable data to better serve their citizens. In the U.S., by using Office 2013, Office 365, and SharePoint 2013 Enterprise, the Department of Defense and the City of Chicago will realise cost savings, improve collaboration, enhance security and better serve their constituents. 

To continue reading, please go to our Worldwide On Government blog (thanks!).