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.NET Naming Conventions – VB.NET version

Not so long ago a colleague of mine, Josh Twist, did a post on .NET naming conventions using C# code to serve as an example. These are based on the .NET naming guidelines published on MSDN. Well, I happen to be doing a code review right now, but it’s in VB.NET. So I thought I’d do a VB.NET version and post it here for everyone’s reference. I’m sure that Eric Nelson will be very happy!

 Option Explicit On
Option Strict On

Imports System

' Namespaces are PascalCased
Namespace Example.NamingConventions

    ' Class names are PascalCased
    Public Class ExampleClass

        ' All public fields, including constants are PascalCased
        Public Const PiAsAString As String = "3.14"

        ' All private fields are camelCased with an underscore prefix
        Private ReadOnly _privateMember As String

        ' All protected members are PascalCased
        Protected ProtectedField As Integer = 12

        ' All friend members are PascalCased
        Friend InternalField As Integer = 13

        ' All private methods are PascalCased
        ' *** NOTE - All parameters are camelCased
        Private Function Multiply(ByVal valueA As Double, ByVal valueB As Double) As Double
            ' local variables (scoped within a method) are camelCased (no underscore)
            Dim result As Double = valueA * valueB
            Return result
        End Function

        ' All private Properties are PascalCased
        ' *** NOTE - Acronyms of 2 characters are UPPERCASED (e.g. UI, IO)
        Private ReadOnly Property UIElementName() As String
                Throw New NotImplementedException()
            End Get
        End Property

        ' All (public and private) properties are PascalCased
        ' *** NOTE - Acronyms longer than 2 characters are PascalCased (e.g. Html, Xml)
        Public Property HtmlLength() As Integer
                Throw New NotImplementedException()
            End Get
            Set(ByVal value As Integer)
                Throw New NotImplementedException()
            End Set
        End Property

        ' All public methods are PascalCased
        ' *** NOTE - All parameters are camelCased
        ' *** NOTE - Abbreviations are not treated as Acronyms (so "Id" is Id, not ID).
        Public Sub AlignObjectById(ByVal id As String, ByVal alignment As Alignment)
            Throw New NotImplementedException()
        End Sub

        ' Nested classes are PascalCased, even private ones
        Private Class NestedClass
            Implements IDisposable

            Public Sub Dispose() Implements IDisposable.Dispose
                Throw New NotImplementedException()
            End Sub

        End Class
    End Class

    ' Enums are PascalCased and not plural (unless marked with <Flags> in which case the name should be plural)
    Public Enum Alignment
        ' Enum members are PascalCased
    End Enum

End Namespace

Originally posted by Rupert Benbrook on 30 January 2010 here.