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Exposing Squeezebox Web UI on Windows Home Server

At home I use a number of Logitech Squeezebox Receivers and a Squeezebox Controller to listen to and distribute my digital music around the house. All the actual music is stored on my Windows Home Server, which also runs the Squeezebox Server software. The trouble is the web UI for the Squeezebox Server runs under its own web server, not integrated with the Home Server’s web UI. This means I have to use a nasty looking URL (like https://machinename:9000) to access the UI, which isn’t hugely memorable, and it’s also not easily available remotely from the internet. What I’d like to have is this UI available under the usual Home Server remote URL, something like https://yourname.homeserver.com/squeezebox/.

Enter ISAPI_Rewrite from HeliconTech. Essentially this is an IIS ISAPI filter that implements the same functionality that you get in Apache mod_rewrite to rewrite IIS request URLs. If I were running IIS7 or above I could use URLRewrite, but Home Server is IIS6 so I don’t have that option.

Once installed, all I needed to do was configure the URL rewriting rules. I’m not sure if this is the optimal set of rules, but this seems to work for me (just replace machinename for the local machine name of your Home Server):

  # Squeezebox RewriteCond %{REQUEST_METHOD} GET RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !/squeezebox/.* RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} .*/squeezebox/.* RewriteRule (.*) /squeezebox$1 [R,I,O] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_METHOD} POST RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} .*/squeezebox/.* RewriteRule (.*) https://machinename:9000$1 [P,I,U] RewriteRule /squeezebox(.+) https://machinename:9000$1 [P,I,U]

I hope other people will find this useful, and if anyone finds any problems with this or improvements then I’d be interested in hearing about them.

Original post by Rupert Benbrook on 6th January 2011 here: https://phazed.com/2011/01/06/exposing-squeezebox-web-ui-on-windows-home-server/