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Microsoft Cognitive Services: The Language Understanding (LUIS)

Language Understanding (LUIS)

A machine learning-based service to build natural language into apps, bots, and IoT devices. Quickly create enterprise-ready, custom models that continuously improve.


https://Luis.ai is part of Microsoft Cognitive Services, the Language Understanding (LUIS) service provides simple tools that let you build your own language understanding models (intents/entities) to help any bot or app provide natural language-based interactions for users. They also let you:

Use a comprehensive set of APIs that will interpret your sentences and identify intents and entities that you have trained into your LUIS model.

Get up and running faster by providing a selected set of ready-made language models.

Integrate LUIS with your Azure Bot Service bots and other aspects of Cognitive Services, such as the Bing Speech API.


LUIS is now generally available in the Australia East, Brazil South, West US 2, South Central US, East US, East Asia, and North Europe regions, in addition to the current availability in the East US 2, West Central US, West US, West Europe, and Southeast Asia regions.

General availability (GA) pricing will begin on February 1, 2018. Usage prior to February 1, 2018, will be billed at preview rates. Learn more on the overview and pricing webpages