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Upgrade – how can we help you get started?

Hi – SharePoint Server 2010 has been out for over a year, and many of you have upgraded to take advantage of the new user interface, ease of administration, and new features. But many organizations are still evaluating whether and when to upgrade. We’d like to get a little information from those of you who haven’t yet upgraded to find out how we can help. We’re conducting an informal e-mail survey to collect data and figure out how we can help make upgrade a little easier for you.

Just send an e-mail to upgradesp@microsoft.com with your answers to the following questions:

  • Are you planning to upgrade?
    • If so, what’s your timeline for upgrading?
    • If not, what are the top issues blocking you from upgrading?
  • What would make it easier for you to move forward with an upgrade?
  • What support do you need from Microsoft to make it easier?
  • What version of the Office client applications are you running, and does that affect your decision or timeline for upgrading?
  • What browser software and what version of that browser are you running, and does that affect your decision or timeline for upgrading?

Thanks in advance for your feedback!

By the way, if you’re not sure what you get with the 2010 version, you can see some lists of what’s new for each audience segment here:

And if you’re looking for resources to get started with an upgrade, see:


- Samantha Robertson