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UC How To and UC Adoption and Training Kit

I found these resources a few months back and failed to blog about them for some reason. These represent content that is created with and for our own deployment as well as customer deployments. I like that the UC How To can be modified for the workload of the end user. If you have feedback on this content feel free to use the contact form as I don’t mind emailing you or calling you for follow up.

UC How To The Microsoft Unified Communications “How-To” training tool is a Microsoft Silverlight™ 2 application that provides step-by-step instructions for common UC tasks. You can customize the How-To application to your company’s needs based on the UC features you’ve installed. For example, if you have installed all UC features except Communicator Mobile and Communicator Group Chat, you can modify the XML file so that those features and topics do not appear in the interface.

Unified Communications Adoption and Training Kit 2007 R2 The Unified Communications Adoption and Training Kit for 2007 R2 provides guidance and resources for IT Pros, Helpdesk, and Trainers to speed adoption and usage of Unified Communications technologies in the enterprise. The kit includes Planning Checklists, Awareness materials, including Poster, Door Hangers, and E-mail samples, and User Education Materials such as Quick Reference Cards, Flash Cards, and links to Web-based Training.

The following added June 15, 2010

Office Communicator 2007 R2 Client Help Desk Training   This online, self-paced training course for Support agents is designed to help IT Professionals and  Tier 1 Support Engineers in supporting Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 R2.  Participants learn about the most common Office Communicator 2007 R2 support scenarios and how to troubleshoot the issues and resolve them.  Additionally, participants also receive an optional overview of how to provide quality customer service throughout the call flow.

After completing this course, participants will be able to do the following:

  • Identify the workflow of an Office Communicator 2007 R2 support incident.
  • Receive Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 R2 service requests.
  • Identify the affected component of in service request (Communicator, Live Meeting, and so on)
  • Locate and apply available documentation and reference material to resolve issue.
  • Troubleshoot and resolve general call driver scenarios for Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 R2, and apply effective methods for advanced service request scenarios.
  • Identify and use troubleshooting tools.

Live Meeting 2007 self-paced Help Desk Training This eLearning provides customers and their support teams/providers with information and guidance about the most common Live Meeting support scenarios and how to troubleshoot these issues to resolution.  The eLearning format enables customer and partner support teams to receive Live Meeting training to suit their own workforce scheduling needs for all levels of Live Meeting service support experience.

This course is both an introduction to Live Meeting supportability and an active support resource for troubleshooting Live Meeting issues, and help desks are advised to bookmark this course for easy reference. This replaces "live, instructor-led" public training Help Desk training classes.

The Live Meeting 2007 self-paced Help Desk training joins our other Support training titles such as MS Office Live Meeting Conferencing Add-in for Microsoft Office Outlook, MS Live Meeting Help Desk Training - What's New, and MS Easy Assist. Live Meeting Partners may also directly access and download training materials for their own delivery use at the Live Meeting Training Information site.

Unified Communications Tutorial Another option, however internally our opinion is that the UC How To and Adoption Kit are better resources.