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Certificate Chains

I seem to spend a lot of time typing about SSL certificates, don’t I?  Well, I seem to spend a lot of time auditing certificates at work.  In this case, we’re updating certs because we’re migrating from one Root CA to another.  Why?  I have no idea.  I just need to figure out what Root CA each certificate is using.

Get-RemoteComputerCertificates dumps the certs in the specified computer( s ) LocalComputer\Personal\Certificates store.

Get-CertificateTrustChain returns the trust chain (the CA that cut this cert, the CA that cut the cert the previous CA was using, etc., all the way back to the Root CA)

Get-RemoteComputerCertificateRootCAs combines the two, but only returns the first element (the Root CA) of the trust chain.


function Get-RemoteComputerCertificates {
     Return list of X.509 certificates on specified host.
     Uses .NET methods to open specified X.509 certificate store (specified by -store and -location) on a computer (specified by -ComputerName), then returns all certificates contained in that store as X509Certificate2 objects.
     .parameter ComputerName
     Computer from which to extract certificates.  Defaults to localhost.
     .parameter store
     X.509 certificate store.  Defaults to 'My'.
     .parameter location
     Location of X.509 certificate store.  Defaults to 'LocalComputer'.  Only other valid value is 'CurrentUser'.
     .parameter help
     Show this text and exit.
     [String] Computername.
     [X509Certificate2[]] X.509 certificates.
     param (
         [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true,Position=0)][string[]]$ComputerName = $env:COMPUTERNAME,
         [string]$store = 'My',
         [string]$location = 'LocalMachine',
     begin {
         if ($help) { Get-Help Get-RemoteComputerCertificates -full | more; break; }
     process {
         try {
             $ComputerName | % {
                 $myComputer = $_;
                 $x509Store = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Store("\\$myComputer\$store",
                 if ($x509Store) {
                     $x509Store.Certificates |
                     % {
                         Add-Member -InputObject $_ -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ComputerName -Value $myComputer;

                 } else {
                     Write-Warning "Unable to get certificates from computer $myComputer.";
         catch [Exception] {
             Write-Warning "Unable to open location '$location' on \\$myComputer\$store";

function Get-CertificateTrustChain {
     Returns list of X.509 certificates for specified X.509 certificate and trust chain.
     Uses .NET methods to build a trust chain for the specified X.509 certificate.  The chain is returned as an array of certificates. The first element of the array is the specified X.509 certificate itself.  The last element is the root CA (e.g.: GTE CyberTrust)
     .parameter certificate
     Certificate for which to validate the trust chain.  The value can be either a path to a file, or an X509 object.
     .parameter help
     Show this text and exit.
     [object] Certificate
     [X509Certificate2[]] X.509 certificates.
     param (
     begin {
         if ($help) { Get-Help Get-CertificateTrustChain -Full | more; return; }
         $chain = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Chain;
     process {
         if ($certificate -is [System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2]) {
         } elseif (Test-Path $certificate) {
             try {
                 $certificate = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2 $certificate;
             catch [Exception]{
                 Write-Warning "Unable to cast path '$certificate' to X509Certificate2 object.";
                 $cert = $null;
         if ($certificate) {
             Write-Progress -Activity "Building trust chain for" -Status ("$($certificate.Subject) ($($certificate.Thumbprint))");
             $chain.Build($certificate) | Out-Null;
             if ( $chain.ChainElements ) {
                 $chain.ChainElements | % { $_.Certificate; }
             } else {
                 Write-Warning "Unable to verify certificate chain for certificate with thumbprint $($certificate.Thumbprint)."
function Get-RemoteComputerCertificateRootCAs {
     Returns list of X.509 certificates for specified computer and the root CA for each.
     Uses .NET methods to open the LocalMachine Personal (a.k.a. 'My') X.509 certificate store, return each certificate's thumbprint, subject, and the issuing root CA (certificate authority).
    .parameter ComputerName
    Computer from which to extract certificates. Defaults to localhost.
    .parameter help
    Show this text and exit.
    [String] Computername.
    [Selected...X509Certificate2[]] Contains only NoteProperty data for
    Computer - Computer being inspected.
    Thumbprint - Thumbprint of certificate found on computer.
    Subject - Subject of certificate found on computer.
    RootCA - Subject of Root CA for certificate found on computer.
    param (
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true,Position=0)][string[]]$ComputerName = $env:COMPUTERNAME,
    begin {
        if ($help) { Get-Help Get-RemoteComputerCertificates -full | more; break; }
    process {
        $ComputerName | % {
            $myComputer = $_;
            Get-RemoteComputerCertificates $myComputer | Select-Object -Property @{
                n = 'Computer';
                e = { $myComputer; }
            }, Thumbprint, Subject, @{
                n = 'RootCA';
                 e = {
                     [Object[]]$CAs = Get-CertificateTrustChain $_;
                     if ($CAs) {
                         if ($rootCA = $CAs[$CAs.Count - 1].Subject) { $rootCA; } else { "UNKNOWN"; }
                     else {