다음을 통해 공유

Script : Get-DiskUsage

Un grand retour pour les aficionados d'Unix ! Ca vient d'ici : https://jtruher.spaces.live.com/Blog/cns!7143DA6E51A2628D!138.entry?wa=wsignin1.0&sa=390461615 

et ça donne cela :


# Get-DiskUsage.ps1 (aliased to dfspace)
# Use Get-WMIObject to collect disk free info
# Can be used with remote systems
param ( [string]$computer = "." , [switch]$all)
# Formatting
$size = @{ l = "Size (MB)"; e = { $_.size/1mb}; f = "{0:N}"}
$free = @{ l = "free (MB)"; e = { $_.freespace/1mb}; f = "{0:N}"}
$perc = @{ l = "percent"; e = { 100.0 * ([double]$_.freespace/[double]$_.size)}; f="{0:f}" }
$name = @{ e = "name"; f = "{0,-20}" }
$fields = $name,$size,$free,$perc
# in case the user wants to see more than just local drives
$filter = "DriveType = '3'"
if ( $all ) { $filter = "" }
# go do the work by getting the information from the appropriate
# computer, and send it to format-table with the appropriate
# fields and formatting info
get-wmiobject -class win32_logicaldisk -filter $filter -comp $computer |
format-table $fields -auto