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Updated Hyper-V Best Practices Checklist for Windows Server 2012

AskPFEPlat have published an extensive checklist of Hyper-V best practices, based on their experience in the field. It’s an update from the Windows Server 2008 R2 set previously developed by Roger Osborne

The following is a checklist I initially developed for Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 (which can be found here: https://blogs.technet.com/b/askpfeplat/archive/2012/11/19/hyper-v-2008-r2-sp1-best-practices-in-easy-checklist-form.aspx ) and overhauled with the latest release. Those of you who have used my previous checklist will notice quite a few items remaining; that’s because many of the best practices still apply to Hyper-V in Server 2012!

Read it all at Windows Server 2012 Hyper-V Best Practices (In Easy Checklist Form)

Posted by Tristan Kington , MSPFE Editor and purveyor of mildly discouraging words, like “suboptimal” and “semi-adequate”