Select a scenario below to register online or call 1-877-MSEVENT
Keep in mind, separate registration is required for each scenario.
Prerequisites: You must have a paid subscription to Windows Azure before attending these webcasts. Get one here. Please NOTE: Windows Azure service fees will be charged to your account during your proof of concept experience. This gives you the advantage of quickly analyzing the real costs associated with the scenarios, and enables you take with you the live proof of concepts. We estimate the fees incurred to be within $50-$75 dollars.


Three scenarios to take you from deployment to cost analysis
Join us for this unique Webcast series delivered by Microsoft Technical Evangelists designed to help you understand the true ROI for 'on-demand' infrastructure scenarios.
You will walk away with a clear understanding on the costs and ROI of the various scenarios and live, 'production' proof of concepts that you can implement in your production environment.
Please Note: You must have a paid subscription to Windows Azure before attending these webcasts. Get one here.
SCENARIO 1: Building Virtual Machines in the New Microsoft Cloud: From Deployment to Cost Analysis June 18 | June 20 | June 28 REGISTER >> With this scenario we will create a "Pay-As-You-Go" account, three virtual machines, and the networking required to link the two machines together. We will network a web server with a file server, authenticate through an AD controller, and configure the three servers in a working scenario. We will discuss each area of the portal, clarify pricing, and learn many of the new ways that you can utilize Windows Azure to become more productive.

SCENARIO 2: Active Directory and PowerShell tools for Windows Azure: From Deployment to Cost Analysis May 20 | May 22 | May 29 REGISTER >> May 28 | May 30 | June 6 REGISTER >> During this 3-part series, we will create a "Pay-As-You-Go" account, two new virtual machines in Azure, add the Active Directory feature set to one of them, and enable the PowerShell capabilities to allow remote administration of this newly created environment. We will also walk through the steps of uploading a virtual machine to Windows Azure via PowerShell and will discuss the features in detail.

SCENARIO 3: Network Connectivity, Provisioning Infrastructure, and Deploying Workload on Demand June 5 | June 7 | June 21 REGISTER >> June 11 | June 13 | June 28 REGISTER >>
Windows Azure IaaS is offering IT capabilities to businesses of all sizes with opportunities to provision infrastructure on demand in the cloud, roll out applications across a global network, scale up or down as needed, and pay only to what has been used. This three-part delivery will deepen your technical understanding of these capabilities at a task level with methodology, a hands-on experience, and practical routines that you can immediately apply to your daily IT work, improve your deliveries, and create more and new business opportunities.

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Sincerely, Blain Barton
