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Attention ticket holders for Nov. 13th Dolphins vs. Bills game – Please RSVP for the TechTailgate party


Attention ticket holders of the Nov. 13th Dolphins vs. Bills game:  with proceeds of TechWeekend@theDolphins event, we’re hosting a TechTailgate party and buying a couple grand worth of food and beer.  Please RSVP for the TechTailgate party here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/tech-tailgate-at-the-dolphins-tickets-14042410227

If you want to participate but don’t have a Dolphins vs. Bills game ticket, use “FINTANK” promo code to buy your discounted game tickets:  https://oss.ticketmaster.com/aps/dolphins/EN/link/promotion/home/101522cd6930a2f7abfbf041878ae154c8a3afb0

We’re using www.StadiumTailgate.com  (a FINTANK winning app) to help manage the event and show the TailGate location in Sun Life Stadium parking lot.  See you at the Stadium!

If you still want a ticket at no charge (until supplies last from FINTANK) go to Microsoft Virtual Academy https://aka.ms/go-mva and take the Microsoft Azure training course and email a screenshot of the completed online assessment to marybak@microsoft.com