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@Microsoft Tag Twitter Contest – Starts Now!

Today @MicrosoftTag is starting a new #TagTuesday contest.  What does this mean? It means that every Tuesday for the next 12 weeks we will pick one lucky Tweeter as a winner.

This time around we are giving away 12 HP Mini 311 Netbooks. One every week for the next Twelve weeks!

So how can you enter to get one of these fancy Netbooks?

All you have to do is:

1- Follow @MicrosoftTag on Twitter

2- Tweet: I just entered to WIN 1 of 12 HP Mini Laptops. Just follow @MicrosoftTag and RT to enter! https://ow.ly/1Ja1S #contest

Every week on Tuesday, we will give one HP Netbook away. Every Tweet you tweet counts as one entry into the contest.

For Official Rules Click Here

Have any questions? Just ask @MicrosoftTag on Twitter

Follow us on Twitter: @MicrosoftTag

Join our Community : Facebook.com/MicrosoftTag

Create Your Own Tag: Tag.Microsoft.com