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PowerShell bok från Niklas&Mattias

Jag fick ett mail från Zipper och nu delar jag med mig av den information jag fick. Nu äntligen finns Niklas Goudes och Mattias Karlssons bok att köpa från Amazon. MVPer ger den högt betyg, och då tror jag att denna bok är något för dig som idag jobbar som SharePoint administratör och vill lära dig mer om hur PowerShell kan bli en del av din vardag.



The book is now published! It’s an honor for us to be able to announce that our book PowerShell for Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Administrators is now published! This Friday it was published in the US and at  www.amazon.com. Within the next couple of weeks it will also be available in the rest of the world; at book stores and at different internet stores shipping to local addresses.

The final book ended in 368 pages that stretches over 21 chapters. The book is divided in three parts. The first part gives an introduction to the changes in SharePoint 2010 and sets the terminology  for the coming chapters. In the second part we go through the basics of PowerShell, before we move on to the third part which is the majority of the book. Here we use real life scenarios and hands-on guides with a lot of code examples to explain how to automate and take full control over your SharePoint 2010 environment using PowerShell.

PowerShell will have a huge impact on how SharePoint administrators work. This is, so far, the only book covering everything you need to know about managing SharePoint 2010 with PowerShell and we hope you will enjoy it.

We feel very pleased with the final result and we have received nothing but great feedback from the group of people that got the chance to see the book before it got released. We hope that this book will be useful for you and every IT-Pro working with SharePoint 2010. So find the nearest reseller and let us know what you think.

Cheers Mattias & Niklas

Ps. Do you have colleagues or friends that might be interested in a book about PowerShell and SharePoint 2010? Don’t hold it in. Let them know by sending them this link.

clip_image001Said about the book

-“If you want to automate your SharePoint 2010 environment this book is for you” -Dr Tobias Weltner, MVP PowerShell

-“This book is a must for all SharePoint administrators!” -Göran Husman, SharePoint MVP and author

-“PowerShell should be at the top of every SharePoint IT pro and developer toolbox” -Jeremy Thake, SharePoint Server MVP

-“A must-read, task-based guide to using PowerShell for SharePoint administrators” -Ravikanth Chaganti, MVP PowerShell