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Migrera från IE6 till IE8 - webcasts


Om du vill veta mer kring migreringen från Internet Explorer 6 till Internet Explorer 8 finns det nu en webcast med efterföljande Q&A där du får mänger med tips och demos på hur du migrerar på bästa sätt!

Webcasten pågår under en timme, och det finns ca 20 tillfällen att välja bland. Samma innehåll varje gång!



You are probably excited about the new Windows 7 operating system, and the Windows Internet Explorer 8 Web browser comes as part of the package. You may have seen the demos of new features and tools that are available, but you are still using Internet Explorer 6. The demos are sometimes simplified, with pages with a single issue conveniently fixed using a click of a button. But it is definitely not that easy. You could have thousands of apps, many of them packaged, or you could be prevented from accessing the code because it is part of a product you bought.  

Attend this demonstration-heavy webcast, have your questions answered by the experts and learn what IT professionals do in real-world scenarios to configure, manage, deploy, and ensure the compatibility of their Web applications with Internet Explorer 8.

Click this link to sign up for a webcast that best fits you schedule. Each session will include a 45-minute pre-recorded session, with live chat Q&A with an IE expert during the session, and 15 minutes of phone Q&A at the end. Times have been varied to maximize coverage across international time zones.

Speaker: Chris Jackson, Principal Consultant and the Technical Lead of the Windows Application Experience SWAT Team, Microsoft Corporation

Chris Jackson is a widely recognized expert in the field of Windows Application Compatibility, creating the technical documentation, training, and service offerings used inside and outside of Microsoft based on years of real-world experience with enterprise customers and independent software vendors.


Migrating from Internet Explorer 6 to Internet Explorer 8




Microsoft Internet Explorer.


IT Generalist.


60 Minutes


Technorati-taggar: webcast,webb-tv,internet Explorer,IE6,IE8,webbläsare,migrera,migration