Do I need to know that intelligent signage has Intel inside?
As usual, Long Zheng is ahead of the mainstream press in reporting the latest in future technology. Once you get over the slightly cheesy element of this video it’s fascinating/scary to see that the world of Total Recall (they had this before Minority Report) isn’t that far away. Digital signs that recognise you (sort of) and react to your input.
The part when the guy describes the camera in the top of the billboard using “anonymous video analytics” you sort of shudder but the experience following that is pretty smart.
What did we really learn from this video though? That getting a presenter who is congruent with your technology is pretty crucial. With the greatest respect, these two folks just didn’t deliver what should be a “holy crap” moment when you realise the potential of this stuff. They were so eager to tell us this runs on an Intel Core i7 that they missed the chance to really sell this by hiding the underlying technology and showing a more compelling scenario than a dude getting a coupon to buy a blazer. So much more potential here. How about someone who walks in to a bike store and the screen recognises age, gender & height and starts to offer recommended bikes. I mean I’m much more likely to want to interact with a sign that gives me more details on the spec of the bike, comparable bikes, customer reviews, videos in action and customer testimonials than I am about a blazer.
What do you think? Is there mileage in this?
January 12, 2010
I've been reading your blog from the past 4 days. I have found a lot of things. I read your post about those motorbikes. Check out this video of Pranav Mistry of MIT Media Lab. Sixth Sense:
January 12, 2010
Yup Steve, as always you got it in one. No one in their right mind is going to scroll through adverts, but when the board becomes useful and gives information the user wants then yup, people will use that.Anonymous
January 17, 2010
unfortunately some engineers can't do their own products justice when it comes to showing vision and potential. This is another good example.