Coffee makes you dance around like a goat!
(click image to go to the original)
Hence why I’m cutting down my intake these days I am actually cutting down a lot on my afternoon & evening caffeine and woe does it make a difference to the quality of sleep I get. I know that’s obvious but I’m just a bit slow on this stuff
January 24, 2010
Explanation interesting but what accounts for those of us who get drowsy after drinking coffee?Anonymous
January 24, 2010
Save it in PNG next time. GIF looks terrible!Anonymous
January 25, 2010
Man, do you always exhume 2-month old digg posts for your ideas?
January 25, 2010
I really appreciate how in the process of ripping off Oatmeal, you sabotaged the quality of the original graphic.Anonymous
January 25, 2010
Bennie - nope, I just browse the web slower than you:)Anonymous
January 25, 2010
Anton - if I'd ripped off Oatmeal I wouldn't have included a link to them would I? point taken on quaity of the image though...I didn't realise it was coming through so badly so have replaced with a link to original