Cheat sheet: Google, Microsoft, Apple and Yahoo
Nick Bilton/The New York Times
A great chart from Nick Bilton in the NY Times today that shows which businesses Google, Microsoft, Apple and Yahoo are in. What surprised me most is that only one row is unticked for Microsoft. We’re in a lot of business, some we do well in, others we have plenty of room for improvement. What’d be really interesting is to give objective scores out of 10 for each dot on the chart and see the totals. Or do a heatmap of where the most fierce battles are being fought.
January 24, 2010
I'd argue Apple have gaming hardware in the iPod Touch. Apart from that very good.Anonymous
January 24, 2010
Sorry if I'm not fully up to date, but why is Google ticked in the mobile hardware column? For the Nexus One, developed (hardware wise) by HTC? If so, Microsoft should also have a tick mark in that column. And what about the business/consumer hardware? Keyboards (Microsoft makes the keyboard of Gods for developers), Mice, Cameras etc. And what about telephone communications software, Response Point? Just saying..Anonymous
January 25, 2010
come on, Nick Bilton really did not what msft (or IT industry) has been doing? I can have a long list of products that are not listed in the chart: software IDE (VS), rich internet app technology (silverlight), cloud, web services (MapPoint), etc...