Charting The Beatles
Regular readers will know I am a fan of infographics and also hail from Liverpool hence a fan of The Beatles (who isn’t?).
Well a new site titled from Michael Deal brings these two worlds together with stunning results. An example below
Lots of beautiful graphics and genuinely pretty interesting
January 28, 2010
The comment has been removedAnonymous
January 30, 2010
Awesome stuff... Thanks Steve. Any ideas why Yellow Submarine is not a 'proper' Beatles album? Long live the Beatles!!Anonymous
February 09, 2010
doug_jnr - Yellow Submarine was cobbled together for the release of the film - it's got a track from another album, a couple of singles, b-sides etc, which make up the 6 tracks by the Beatles themselves, then 7 tracks of a 'soundtrack' type produced for the film by George Martin. Hence not a 'proper' Beatles album!