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I'm unplugging from the Matrix for the next week

I'm going board riding for the next week. I'm going to unplug. No email. No blogging. No TV - though that's not a hardship in the USA for me. Minimal electronic use - I'm allowing myself to use my camera.

Time to reflect. No distractions. Me time.

Last time I tried this I found myself being a little jumpy for the first few days. What NO Internet access?!

It was good for me so I'm doing it again.

I look forward to seeing you on the other side!

Here are a couple of images I like to represent the Matrix.

Note: I've not exhaustively reviewed the entire image library of the two authors I've linked to below (though I've no reason to believe there may be anything that may offend you there!) so if you choose to follow the links you do so are your own risk.

Thanks to Antiquex for this one (above)

...and Danielle Blue for this one