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TechNet Widget


We just launched a TechNet Widget.The widget will provide the latest content from TechNet on your blogs and might drive higher repeat traffic to your blogs or give yet another reason ( besides your blog) to visit on a more regular basis. The Widget has integration built into Social networking sites Facebook, Twitter, Stumble Upon etc.


It is Live at https://www.technetwidget.com/technetwidget/index.html . This widget pulls the latest RSS feeds from TechNet and has selections from Videos, Webcasts, TechNet Magazine, TechNet Flash and TechNet Podcasts. I am looking for some early adopters to pilotthe widget on MSDN and TechNet blogs.

Want to use the widget on your blog? Here’s the code to embed

<script type="text/javascript" src="https://widgets.clearspring.com/o/49d45d1f88625a2c/49f6001ebeae179b/49d45d1f88625a2c/44401045/widget.js"></script>
