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Monitoring with Microsoft Monitoring Agent

Microsoft Monitoring Agent is a new agent that replaces the Operations Manager Agent and combines .NET Application Performance Monitoring (APM) in System Center with the full functionality of Visual Studio IntelliTrace Collector for gathering full application profiling traces. Microsoft Monitoring Agent can collect traces on demand or can be left running, which monitors applications and collects traces. You can limit the disc space that the agent uses to store collected data. When the amount of data reaches the limit, the agent begins to over-write the oldest data, storing the latest in its place.

Microsoft Monitoring Agent can be used together with Operations Manager or can be used as a standalone tool for monitoring web applications written with Microsoft .NET Framework. In both cases, the operator can direct the agent to save application traces in an IntelliTrace log format that can be opened in Visual Studio Ultimate. The log contains detailed information about application failures and performance issues.

You can use Windows PowerShell commands to start and stop monitoring and collect IntelliTrace logs from web applications that are running on Internet Information Services (IIS). To open IntelliTrace logs generated from APM exceptions and APM performance events, you can use Visual Studio. For information about supported versions of IIS and Visual Studio, see Microsoft Monitoring Agent Compatibility.

To install Microsoft Monitoring Agent from the Download Center for standalone monitoring go to download page on the Microsoft Download Center.

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