BizSpark Companies Cheezburger and Swype win big at the Seattle 2.0 Awards
Last night the BizSpark team stormed the Seattle 2.0 Awards, hosted by Marcelo Calbucci. It was a night to connect and celebrate with the Seattle startup community. Guest Speaker, Mark Suster, gave an amazing and irreverent keynote, referencing his recent guest post on TechCrunch, “A Few Key People Really Can Make a Huge Difference.”
Ten awards were given out last night and we are very proud of two local BizSpark companies who won big. Swype won Best Mobile Startup and Swype mastermind and founder, Cliff Kushler, won Best Startup Technologist. Ben Huh, CEO of Cheezburger, accepted the award for Best Consumer Startup at the event. Cheezburger is a member of our BizSpark One program. Congratulations to all the finalists and winners!
You can read more about the event and see the acceptance speeches in John Cook’s Blog on
Published: 5/6/2011 11:05 AM