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Forefront Unified Access Gateway (UAG) RC0 disponible en téléchargement

Forefront UAG est disponible en version RC0 en téléchargement.

Forefront UAG provides the following:
Remote access: Using Forefront UAG you can allow and control access to internal resources and applications from a range of managed and unmanaged client endpoints.
Application support: Forefront UAG provides broad application support for a wide range of Microsoft and third-party applications. Application optimizers, consisting of predefined settings and values, provide optimum settings for accessing a specific application via Forefront UAG.
Access control: Forefront UAG provides granular access control, to ensure that only client endpoints complying with corporate health guidelines can access internal applications and resources.
Authentication: Forefront UAG provides frontend and backend authentication mechanisms. Frontend authentication allows you to pre-authenticate users using a wide range of authentication mechanisms, ensuring that only authenticated traffic reaches published application servers. In addition, Forefront UAG provides a single sign-on experience for authentication to backend applications.

Téléchargement de Forefront UAG RC0 à l'adresse suivante : https://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=A3F5729A-3989-4F60-980F-1B87DD198988&displaylang=en

Pour ceux qui ne connaissent pas encore le produit, voici quelques ressources :

Video “Vue d’ensemble de Forefront UAG en moins de 15 minutes” : https://blogs.technet.com/stanislas/archive/2009/09/23/vue-d-ensemble-de-forefront-uag-en-moins-de-15-minutes.aspx

Vidéo disponible également en téléchargement aux formats vidéo compatibles avec la majorité des smartphones et PMP : https://www.tektekpocket.com/post/2009/09/23/Vue-de28099ensemble-de-Forefront-Unified-Access-Gateway-en-moins-de-15-minutes.aspx

Tags: Forefront+UAG, Forefront+Unified+Access+Gateway