다음을 통해 공유

Microsoft Big Data Platform (HDInsight) in action

Big Data and BI working together

Date/Time: Wednesday, November 14, 2012, 6:30 PM

Location: The City Hotel, Sydney

Big Data & Traditional BI solutions working together to enhance insights

Big Data approaches allow us to solve some traditionally difficult problems – but traditional BI has been solving some business problems pretty well for the last decade. So how can the two technologies work together?

Using a big data case study from a telecommunications company, James and Shashank will illustrate how they addressed a business problem by combining the best of both approaches. This was done using cloud hosted instances of Microsoft’s traditional BI and new Hadoop platforms. The session will delve into the business scenario, the solving of the problem, the architectural components used and also show that Big Data doesn’t necessarily have to be all that big to be useful.


Shashank Pawar, a Data Platform Technology Specialist based out of Sydney, Australia. I have a passion for databases & analytics on the Microsoft platform (SQL Server, SharePoint, Office.  I have over 12 years of experience in delivering Enterprise data platform solutions

James Beresford is a seasoned BI Professional who has spent much of his life getting his hands dirty with data warehouses, mainly on Microsoft platforms. He has recently been getting familiar with Hadoop and shares his experiences using his blog at bimonkey.com


Register your attendance at - https://sydney.bigdataaustralia.com.au/events/88505432/?eventId=88505432&action=detail
