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Is Native Web Services (SOAP) supported in Express/Mobile/WinXP?

Some people have raised the question, "Is SOAP supported in SQL Express?  How about SQL Mobile?  I've read in a readme that web services isn't supported on WinXP SP2, but I've also heard that SQL 2005 web services require the HTTP.sys kernel support which is available on WinXP SP2, so is web services supported on WinXP SP2 or not?"

  • Is SOAP supported in SQL Express?
    • No, unfortunately to differentiate between the SKUs, Native XML Web Services is not supported in the SQL Express edition
  • How about SQL Mobile?
    • No, Native XML Web Services is also not supported in SQL Mobile edition
  • Is web services supported on WinXP SP2 or not?
    • Yes, SQL 2005 Native XML Web Services is supported on the WinXP SP2 and above OS platform on SQL SKUs supporting Native XML Web Services

Jimmy Wu, SQL Server Protocols
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