Supportability and Vista UAC
Supportability is a topic near and dear to my heart. Vista has made great leaps and bounds in this area with more logging than any prior OS, as well as a great help file and improved errors.
However, the other day I was playing with Vista's UAC features and manifests and noticed an error which doesnt really give an indication as to what the real issue is so I thought I would note it here.
When I launched an application with a valid manifest I would get this error:
The error really didnt tell me much but I did recall that I had set some UAC policies earlier in this domain.
Under Security Options--- User Account Control: Only elevate executables that are signed and validated
Ahhh this was the culprit. Sho' nuff , I reverted this and it all worked out. However, had someone asked me why they got an error "A referral was returned from the server" in relation to a UAC issue - I never would have guessed this was the cause...
Maybe it'll help someone someday..
March 22, 2007
That doens'nt work mate. I've disabled those features but i still get the error message. Any other reasons why this could be?Anonymous
March 28, 2007
The comment has been removedAnonymous
April 30, 2007
Thanks for your information....i tried this and worked for me With regards Kumar.MAnonymous
May 02, 2007
I turn UAC off and on next boot it is back on. How can I stop this?Anonymous
May 02, 2007
is it set via a policy? See
December 09, 2007
Thank you, I didn't realize the implications of switching this on.Anonymous
January 21, 2008
This helped me today! Thanks a ton for sharing this.