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Using Games to help people better understand diseases

One of my relatives  has been diagnosed with PMP, a rare type of cancer that affects your intestines.  Very serious, it is an orphan disease.  When I read about it on the web at https://pmpawareness.org/, my brain just about burst.  In the case of this disease, I would have liked to work through a serious of game levels that helped me understand how the disease functioned and how the doctors would work with my relative. 

It is really tough luck for him, the PMP strikes 1 in 1,000,000 people in the US each year.  That means that 300 people get it a year, and if you are doctor, hospital or drug company, there is just not enough patients to pay for treatment.  This means it is an orphan disease, or it means that a lot of people get it, but aren’t diagnosed with it.

In the case of the PMP disease, a serious game using Silverlight would mean that more people could know about the disease and what the medical ecology needs to get better at making these patients better.  If the disease is caught early enough AND the patient is a fighter there is a great chance of survival.

I hope that my relative makes it, and I am certain that he will.