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Creating a serious game using Silverlight

Giving it some thought about a serious game around that disease PMP, something about cancer of  the appendix?  How would you tell a young child about this cancer?  Heck, how do you tell me about this type of cancer, or even a doctor that accidentally did the correct diagnosis but has no contacts on how to cure it? 

The PMP website certainly is “profssional”, or intimidating. For example the Multiple Sclerosis site uses dotNet and the PMP site doesn’t.  MS has around 250,000 people with the disease, and PMP has around 300, both fall under the orphan drug and disease.  PMP with only 300 patients a year, that is hardly enough for a medical office for the whole year! 

How would this serious game project get started? To startt:

Who is the audience?

What  is the purpose of the game?

How will it be best presented?

What is the message?

Just as any game, these are the basic questions to start off with.  The audience would be quite small, if you take all of the people who may have PMP, and say that they have 5 concerned relatives and friends each, that would be around 1500 people to view the web site.  Maybe 10% would at any time, or at all.

Pretty grim, but I think that it might still be a good idea to see if a serious can’t get this story out about PMP.