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Configuration Manager Site Roles Availability versus Core Service Delivery Impact

Last week I was working with service management team for defining the service impact in Microsoft IT for the services which are dependent on Configuration Manager. The Configuration Manager has multiple site roles and each site role has its own importance for service delivery. So we decided to map each core services with group of site roles based on individual site roles availability.  In addition this analysis was done considering Microsoft IT Configuration Manager hierarchy design so this may or may not be applicable to all Configuration Manager hierarchy.

Few key points for Configuration Manager Hierarchy in Microsoft IT:

  • All Management Point (MP) and Software Update Point (SUP) roles are using NLB.
  • All MPs are configured with replicated MP database hosted on remote SQL server.
  • All SUP SUS databases are hosted on remote SQL server.
  • Distribution Point roles are redundant across the hierarchy.

Configuration Manager Availability

Configuration Manager Availability Legend

*Potential Impact refers to scenarios such as Central and Primary Site Availability state may NOT impact on existing deployments with above hierarchy design assumptions. However Central & Primary site availability state will impact to all new and changes to existing deployments.

Last but not the least this could be debatable topic for site role versus services impact based on individual perception and hierarchy design so feel free share your thoughts.

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