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Getting Started with the SharePoint Developers Tools in Visual Studio 2010

You can use many resources to get started developing SharePoint solutions. In addition to the MSDN Library documentation for SharePoint SDK and the SharePoint Developer Tools in Visual Studio, you can access articles and videos that are published in the Technical Articles and Visual How Tos nodes. In addition to the documentation, technical articles, and visual how-tos, you can also read Book Excerpts and Quick Notes.

For example, you can watch this visual how-to video that explains how to create, test, and debug SharePoint 2010 projects by using Visual Studio. The accompanying walkthrough is at https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/gg131919.aspx.


There are additional videos about SharePoint that appear on the Related Videos tab, as well as the Up Next tab.

Related MSDN Library documentation include the following topics:

Mary Lee, Programming Writer.