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Releasing Soon: System Center Configuration Manager Extensions for SCAP


We will be releasing the System Center Configuration Manager Extensions for SCAP later this week. These extensions are the next version of earlier released “SCAP conversion tool for DCM”. This new release expands functionality to both convert SCAP content for use by DCM and DCM reports into SCAP reporting format.

If your organization works closely with U.S. government agencies, the ability to demonstrate compliance with the Federal Desktop Core Configuration (FDCC) mandate using Security Content Automation Protocol (SCAP) standards may be very important to you. The Federal Desktop Core Configuration (FDCC) mandate requires federal agencies and organizations that provide information services to those agencies to configure their computers that run Windows Vista® or Windows® XP with a specific list of settings published by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). The FDCC mandate also requires organizations to document their compliance by scanning the computers they manage using SCAP content published by NIST and to provide the results in SCAP format.

The System Center Configuration Manager Extensions for SCAP will enable you to use Configuration Manager 2007 to scan the computers you manage for compliance with the FDCC mandate issued by the OMB. The free download includes command-line tools to convert SCAP content into the format used by the Desired Configuration Management (DCM) feature in Configuration Manager 2007, and to convert DCM reports into SCAP format. The extensions enable Configuration Manager to consume SCAP data stream files, assess systems for compliance, and generate report results in SCAP format.

For more information on System Center Configuration Manager Extensions for SCAP bookmark this blog.