다음을 통해 공유

Installing the Exchange Server ActiveSync Web Admin Tool on SBS

If you are trying to get familiar with the Microsoft Exchange Server ActiveSync Web Administration Tool on your Small Business Server computer to take advantage of the new Mobile Security Features that will be introduced in the Windows Mobile 5.0 Messaging & Security Feature Pack, you will need to follow the steps below to get the web interface functioning properly on your Small Business Server computer:

  1. Download the Mobile Admin pack here: https://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=e6851d23-d145-4dbf-a2cc-e0b4c6301453&DisplayLang=en
  2. Backup the metabase in IIS (right click the servername in IIS -> all tasks -> backup/restore -> create backup)
  3. TEMPORARILY set the default website to “all unassigned” (if it is not already)
  4. Run MobileAdmin.exe that you downloaded in step 1.
  5. Reset IIS back to the way it was before step 3, if applicable
  6. Open the properties for the ExAdmin virtual directory under the default website -> directory security -> Edit for Secure Communications and uncheck “Require SSL”
  7. Restart the IIS Admin service

You should now be able to browse https://servername/mobileadmin and also select users to manage. 

Note this interface allows 2 options: 1) Wipe the device and 2) delete the partnership. “Wipe the device” is self explanatory - we remove all user-specific information from the device and return it to factory default (like a hard reset). So what is “delete the partnership” you ask? Well, when a device synchs with Exchange it pushes some information to Exchange so that the server knows about the device. This information is referred to as a “partnership” (not to be confused with an ActiveSync partnership -no relation). You can remove this partnership information by using the “delete” option on the MobileAdmin page. When would you want to “delete” a partnership. One scenario is if only one user cannot synch with Exchange when previously he/she could. It may be that this “partnership” is confused. Simply “delete” the device partnership on the MobileAdmin page and then resynch with the device. After deleting the partnership, resynch with the device. You should see a new partnership appear on the MobileAdmin page and hopefully the device synchs successfully.

**IMPORTANT NOTE** the Windows Mobile 5.0 Messaging & Security Feature Pack is NOT currently available. The individual carriers will provide the update for the devices through their normal update channels (ROM update, etc).

The information in RED is subject to change.

Thanks to PeterGal for the tips above.
