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Costco is selling Syspine

I'm very pleased to see that our partner Quanta worked out a deal with Costco to sell Syspine Response Point phone system online. This is a major step simplifying the purchase experience for our small business customers.

Will Costco create a conflict for our small business channel specialists? My answer is no. Direct and partner-led channel have always been complimentary strategies at Microsoft for a number of products. Direct allows us to help to drive awareness and demand. Channel allows us to deliver supply and expertise. Costco’s support of Response Point is a testimony of the core value of our IP PBX phone system. Never before is the VOIP Phone PBX system so easy to use and set up. I have met with so many people who set up Response Point in a way similar to connecting a printer to the PC. Most of the problems for these small business customers are networking and broadband related. This is where our small business channel specialists can step in to add a tremendous amount of value to our small business customers!

With Response Point SP1 RTM on the horizon, please visit https://www.microsoft.com/responsepoint/ for latest development.