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Communications products at Microsoft

Rich Tehrani, Publisher of TMC, posts his summary of the various communications products at Microsoft, including Response Point.  He notes that we have been going to small business customers to work with them as they try out our products.

He's right.  We have close relationships with several small businesses that are trying Response Point right now, and it makes a difference in the way we approach our design.  I've been making as many customer visits as possible since joining the team last month, and the main thing I've heard is what a hassle it is to acquire and then install and manage a new phone system.  If you're a big company, you assign that problem to your IT or operations people, but if you're small you have to do it all yourself. The hassle is made worse because you probably don't have even know what products are out there, or which questions to ask.

What do you think?  What's the best way for us to let small businesses know about Response Point?  Please let us know your thoughts.
