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Creating XML Reports for FSRM Quota Usage

I had a great question in follow up to the "Secure, Simplified Web Publishing using Microsoft Internet Information Services 7.0" webcast that I delivered the other day, "How you can you programmatically access the quota usage information from the File Server Resource Manager (FSRM)?"

First of all, there is a native API for writing code to access FSRM data detailed at the following URL:


That's a bit of overkill if you're just looking to script something.

There is a WMI interface as well, but it’s only for FSRM events.

So that leaves you with a pair of command-line tools that you can script in order to list your quota usage information:

  • storrept.exe - Used to manage storage reports
  • dirquota.exe - Used to manage quota usage

Right out of the box the first command-line tool, storrept.exe, can generate a detailed XML report using a user-definable scope. To see this in action, take the following example syntax and modify the scope parameter to your desired paths:

 storrept.exe reports generate /Report:QuotaUsage /Format:XML /Scope:"C:\"

 You can also specify multiple paths in your scope using a pipe-delimited format like:


When the command has finished, it will tell you the path to your report like the following example:

 Storage reports generated successfully in "C:\StorageReports\Interactive".

The XML-based information in the report can then be consumed with whatever method you usually use to parse XML. It should be noted that storrept.exe also supports the following formats: CSV, DHTML, HTML, and TXT.

This XML might be okay for most applications, but for some reason I wanted to customize the information that I received, so I experimented with the second command-line tool, dirquota.exe, to get the result that I was looking for.

First of all, using dirquota.exe quota list returns information in the following format:

 Quotas on machine SERVER: Quota Path: C:\inetpub\ftproot Source Template: 100 MB Limit (Matches template) Quota Status: Enabled Limit: 100.00 MB (Hard) Used: 1.00 KB (0%) Available: 100.00 MB Peak Usage: 1.00 KB (10/25/2007 2:15 PM) Thresholds: Warning ( 85%): E-mail Warning ( 95%): E-mail, Event Log Limit (100%): E-mail, Event Log

This information is formatted nicely and is therefore easily parsed, so I wrote the following batch file called "dirquota.cmd" to start things off:

 @echo off echo Processing the report... dirquota.exe quota list > dirquota.txt cscript.exe //nologo dirquota.vbs

Next, I wrote the following vbscript application called "dirquota.vbs" to parse the output into some easily-usable XML code:

 Option Explicit

Dim objFSO, objFile1, objFile2
Dim strLine, strArray(2)
Dim blnQuota,blnThreshold

' create objects
Set objFSO = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objFile1 = objFSO.OpenTextFile("dirquota.txt")
Set objFile2 = objFSO.CreateTextFile("dirquota.xml")

' start the XML output file
objFile2.WriteLine "<?xml version=""1.0""?>"
objFile2.WriteLine "<Quotas>"

' set the runtime statuses to off
blnQuota = False
blnThreshold = False

' loop through the text file
Do While Not objFile1.AtEndOfStream

  ' get a line from the file
  strLine = objFile1.ReadLine

  ' only process lines with a colon character
  If InStr(strLine,":") Then
    ' split the string manually at the colon character
    strArray(1) = Trim(Left(strLine,InStr(strLine,":")-1))
    strArray(2) = Trim(Mid(strLine,InStr(strLine,":")+1))

    ' filter on strings with parentheses
    strLine = strArray(1)
    If InStr(strLine,"(") Then
      strLine = Trim(Left(strLine,InStr(strLine,"(")-1)) & "*"
    End If

    ' process the inidivdual entries
    Select Case UCase(strLine)

      ' a quota path signifies a new record
      Case UCase("Quota Path")

        ' close any open threshold collections
        If blnThreshold = True Then
          objFile2.WriteLine "</Thresholds>"
        End If

        ' close an open quota element
        If blnQuota= True Then
          objFile2.WriteLine "</Quota>"
        End If

        ' signify a new quota element
        objFile2.WriteLine "<Quota>"

        ' output the relelvant information
        objFile2.WriteLine FormatElement(strArray(1),strArray(2))

        ' set the runtime statuses
        blnQuota= True
        blnThreshold = False

      ' these bits of informaiton are parts of a quota
      Case UCase("Source Template"), UCase("Quota Status"), _
          UCase("Limit"), UCase("Used"), _
          UCase("Available"), UCase("Peak Usage")

        ' close any open threshold collections
        If blnThreshold = True Then
          objFile2.WriteLine "</Thresholds>"
        End If

        ' set the runtime status
        blnThreshold = False

        ' output the relelvant information
        objFile2.WriteLine FormatElement(strArray(1),strArray(2))

      ' these bits of informaiton are thresholds
      Case UCase("Warning*"), UCase("Limit*")

        ' open a threshold collection if not already open
        If blnThreshold = False Then
          objFile2.WriteLine "<Thresholds>"
        End If

        ' output the relelvant information
        objFile2.WriteLine FormatElement( _
          Left(strLine,Len(strLine)-1), _
          Replace(Mid(strArray(1), _
          Len(strLine))," ","") & " " & strArray(2))

        ' set the runtime status
        blnThreshold = True

    End Select
  End If

' close any open threshold collections
If blnThreshold = True Then
  objFile2.WriteLine "</Thresholds>"
End If

' close an open quota element
If blnQuota= True Then
  objFile2.WriteLine "</Quota>"
End If

' end the XML output file
objFile2.WriteLine "</Quotas>"

Set objFSO = Nothing

' format data into an XML element
Function FormatElement(tmpName,tmpValue)
  FormatElement = "<" & Replace(tmpName," ","") & _
  ">" & tmpValue & "</" & Replace(tmpName,Chr(32),"") & ">"
End Function

When the batch file and vbscript are run, they will create a file named "dirquota.xml" which will resemble the following example XML:

 <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <SourceTemplate>100 MB Limit (Matches template)</SourceTemplate>
    <Limit>100.00 MB (Hard)</Limit>
    <Used>1.00 KB (0%)</Used>
    <Available>100.00 MB</Available>
    <PeakUsage>1.00 KB (10/25/2007 2:15 PM)</PeakUsage>
      <Warning>(85%) E-mail</Warning>
      <Warning>(95%) E-mail, Event Log</Warning>
      <Limit>(100%) E-mail, Event Log</Limit>

I found the above XML much easier to use than the XML that came from the storrept.exe report, but I'm probably comparing apples to oranges. In any event, I hope this helps someone with questions about FSRM reporting.

Have fun!
