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Looking for a few great launch Partners

Windows VistaLaunch is coming soon, not just for Windows Vista and .NET 3.0, but also the 2007 Office System and Exchange 2007.  We're looking for a few great Partners to be involved in this very significant event.

Over the past two weeks, I've met with local development teams who are building applications using Vista-era technologies, including the components of .NET 3.0: the Windows Prentation Foundation, Windows Communciations Foundation, Windows Workflow Foundation, and Windows CardSpace.  And also the 2007 Office System and its corresponding extensibility framework, the Visual Studio Tools For Office (VSTO3).

If you are based in Ireland or Northern Ireland, are already working with Vista-era technologies, and are interested in being involved in the launch events, time is short but we'd love to hear from you.

Drop me an e-mail using the contact link on the side of this weblog, or by clicking here.