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Languages Everywhere -- ATEM 2007

Call For Papers 4th International Workshop on LANGUAGE ENGINEERING (ATEM 2007)

"Languages Everywhere"


Affiliated with MODELS 2007, Nashville, TN, USA, Sep 20 - Oct 5

Papers to be considered for a planned special issue

Problem context

In the context of Software Engineering, (SOFTWARE) LANGUAGE ENGINEERING promotes "language descriptions" to first class citizens, just like programs, data, and models. In the past, many approaches have been centered around the concept of languages. This includes Language-Oriented Programming, Language-Driven Development, Domain-Specific Language Engineering, Software Factory Engineering, Ontology Engineering, Schema Engineering, Metamodeling, Metamodel Engineering, Profile Engineering, Attribute-oriented Programming, Grammar Engineering, etc.

Languages are everywhere in Informatics. ATEM 2007 covers all kinds of languages needed to talk about and talk to software systems:

Programming Languages, Domain Specific Languages, Modeling Languages, Transformation Languages, Architectural Languages, Specification Languages, Requirement Languages, Ontology Languages, Markup Languages, and so on.

Whatever their actual usage, all these Software Languages (by contrast to Natural Languages) are considered as the object of study for ATEM 2007. LANGUAGE ENGINEERING is about designing, instrumenting, recovering, evolving, and replacing software languages in a disciplined way.

ATEM2007 pays attention to the fact that language descriptions take different forms in different technical spaces (e.g. Metamodels, Schemas, Grammars, Ontologies). Still language descriptions have many properties in common, and typically multiple languages (from different technical spaces) need to be used together and integrated in most software development scenarios.

Thus, we need to fully support the LANGUAGE ENGINEERING LIFE CYCLE including (but not limiting to) requirement analysis, design, implementation, testing, validation, deployment, application, re-engineering, reverse engineering, and evolution of language descriptions.

Objective of the meeting

Since most language descriptions have rather different technological, research and cultural origins, the synergistic use is a complex task that requires join efforts by different communities.

ATEM2007 brings together researchers from different communities to study the disciplined engineering of language description whatever their actual usage or application domain. The importance of metamodels, schemas, grammars, and ontologies is generally acknowledged by the model-driven engineering community, but, as yet, the study of these artifacts lacks a common umbrella.

Discussion topics

ATEM 2007 intends to discuss all relevant aspects of LANGUAGE

ENGINEERING. ATEM seeks papers that consider Language Descriptions as first class entities. In other words, the focus is on the production and evolution of such artefacts by LANGUAGE ENGINEERS rather than the "regular" usage of software languages by application engineers, programmers, modelers, or architects.

Workshop topics include, but are not restricted to:

- Processes, methods, techniques and tools for LANGUAGE ENGINEERING.
- Language Requirement Analysis, Design, Testing, Implementation, Deployment
- Language Evaluation, Quality Assessment
- Language Re-engineering, Reverse Engineering, Migration
- Language Evolution, Adaptation, Extension, Customization,
- Language Embedding, Composition, Integration, Mapping, Patterns
- Development of Language-based tools: Editors, Transformers, Interpreters, etc.
- Frameworks for Language Comparison, Classification and Selection

Important Dates

· Abstract submission: July 14

· Paper submission deadline: July 20

· Notification of acceptance: August 24

· Workshop date: Sep 30 - Oct 5 (one day, to be fixed)

Workshop Organizers

· Jean-Marie Favre, University of Grenoble, France

· Dragan Gasevic, Athabasca University, Canada

· Ralf Lämmel, Microsoft Corp., USA

· Andreas Winter, Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany

For further and updated information, please refer to the web site:
